Industry Information

Uses and functions of food grade sodium tripolyphosphate

Moisture retention agent, quality improver, pH adjuster, metal chelating agent. my country's "Food Additives Use Hygienic Standards" (GB2760-2011) stipulates: canned food, juice (fruit-flavored) beverages, vegetable protein beverages, the maximum use amount is 1.0g/kg; dairy products, poultry products, meat products, ice cream, For instant noodles, the maximum usage amount is 5.0g/kg.

Other reference for use: It is used for canned ham, which is beneficial to the improvement of product quality under appropriate conditions, such as complete shape, good color, tender meat, easy to slice, and shiny cut surface.

Sodium tripolyphosphate is used for curing ham raw meat. Add No. 3 mixed salt (91.65% refined salt, 8% sugar, 0.35% sodium nitrite) 2.2kg and 85g sodium tripolyphosphate for every 100kg of meat. Pickled in 0~4℃ cold storage for 48~72h, the effect is good. Used in the production of canned broad beans to soften the skin. Many fruits and vegetables have tough skins. As the fruits and vegetables mature, the skins become tougher.

In fruit and vegetable processing blanching or soaking water, adding polyphosphate, can complex calcium, thereby reducing the toughness of the skin.

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